Testimonials & Kind Words


I started training with Ayesha Almost 2 months ago she is fab trainer I am amazed at how my level of fitness has improved in relatively short space of time . I feel much energetic and am pleasantly surprised at the impact of the training on my body and overall health I have not just lost weight, but more in shape ... She has knowledge about training, anatomy and diet .Ayesha is supportive and supremely motivating in helping to reach the goals, I recommend her to everyone and anyone ..xxx

Cidra Faheem


Yes! I would 100% recommend Ayesha.

Before lockdown I was at my perfect weight, but wasn't happy with my definition. As lockdown weight crept on i was unhappy with my new eating habits.

I meet Ayesha through MIBA Berks and instantly liked her, and wanted to look like her! She had the muscle definition I have wanted for many years now, but struggled to achieve as I suffer with slipped discs and weak back and neck.

Ayesha is very knowledgeable. I felt safe in her hands and have really enjoyed my training sessions! She has given me what other trainers said wasn't possible. I have only been working with her for 4 weeks so far, but already I feel stronger, and have been able to up my weights without hurting myself.

I love that I can record our zoom sessions as that allows me to train safely and correctly during the week without her too. Ayesha is just the right mix of strict yet friendly and caring.

My eating habits are back on track, my core is stronger and I'm starting to see the definition I'm looking for.

Very happy.

Tammy Rolfe


Ayesha is superb! For someone like me that has never been to a gym. She taught me how to lift weights safely and made me feel at ease. A fantastic PT! Definitely recommend her.

Jinal Patel


Over the past 25 years I have had several PTs both through various gyms and general private ones. They have been good but I had found it somewhat difficult to engage with them in a way of feeling comfortable as it always felt like a business deal with most of them.

Then I discovered Ayesha Ahmad. From the very first moment I contacted her, she was so willing to accommodate all my needs to my comfort and convenience.

She visited my home for one to one PT session and upon our very first meeting I absolutely and immediately felt the warm and comfortable feeling with her. It felt as if she’s been a very good close friend always, who is only interested in my well being and nothing else.

She showed me the best exercises for me as I’ve a few health issues and the nutritional advice she gave me was excellent and easily understood. I can contact her any time for advice without any hesitation.

The main thing with Ayesha is that it feels that she is there personally for my health and well being only and not as a business deal for her.

I absolutely highly recommend Ayesha Ahmad and it will be the very best decision for anyone for their health and fitness needs in her very capable hands.

Reena Takhar

Ayesha is such a lovely approachable lady who listens to all your needs and helps you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals.

Her knowledge is incredible and knows when to push you and hold you accountable to make sure you hit your targets and not lose sight of goals you have set.

She genuinely wants to help you, so if you are serious and willing to put in the time and effort, Ayesha is your lady!!

In comparison to other PT’s she is also so much more affordable.

Even whilst in lockdown Ayesha is keeping in touch with me, helping and guiding me and answering any questions I have.

Nayan Mistry


I booked the 4 week course...and 3 weeks in and I’ve fallen in love with lifting.

I always knew I’d need someone to show me what to do with lifting and after an initial chat, I knew I found the right person.

Ayesha is so welcoming and supportive. I can already see my confidence starting to come back. Plus I get WhatsApp messages to check in...I feel motivated to carry on.

Anyone looking for a female supportive PT, I wholly recommend AA Personal Training.

Cathy O’Nyons


Seeing my friends result after and during her 8 week fat loss training with Ayesha, gave me the final push and courage I needed to sign up for the 8 week program. I was very nervous and doubtful, worried I wouldn’t cope with the resistance training, but I was desperate for a change. I was not happy with the weight and shape I was and was unsure about where to start.

In retrospect I am glad that I decided to take part, on the other hand I am gutted about not having joined Ayesha earlier.

Ayesha tailored the sessions to meet my specific needs. My 45 minute workouts were full of variety and a lot of of fun. Ayesha has an immense understanding of how the body works. I left each session feeling exhilarated.

I highly recommend Ayesha as a personal trainer. The passion for what she does is second to none. I was surprised to see and feel my progress in just 3 short weeks! So much improvement and I felt so much better in myself, like never before.

I only had to do one thing and that is “being consistent"“, the rest Ayesha took it out from me. She believed in me and genuinely wanted me to achieve my goal.

Being a mum of a toddler I thought I would never be able to go for brisk walks and do home workouts and make it part of my daily routine. But at the end of 8 weeks Ayesha, I can proudly say that I wake up every morning for my walks and workouts and it’s in my routine now.

Now at the end of my 8 weeks I feel stronger, I’m eating healthier and happier to fit into size 12. I’ve been struggling to drop from size 14 to 12 for the past 3 years. With the help of Ayesha I was able to achieve it in 8 weeks.



I was looking to learn workout routines incorporating cardio and weights. I needed accountability and to learn to manage calories for consistent weight loss.

Ayesha helped me understand I don’t need to spend hours working out, that consistency is the key. She also drummed in the importance of good form and how this should never be compromised. She awoke a new capability in me that I can lift very heavy weights and this mindset helped me enormously in my personal life too.

I want to thank Ayesha for training me, it’s been an absolute joy!

PT Client

Ayesha is a professional. She gets the balance right between motivating you and supporting you to achieve your full potential. I’ve had great results and recommend her highly.

Sepideh Dadgar


I’m about 6 weeks into my plan with Ayesha and I’m already a completely different person to who I was at the start!

From day one Ayesha has been so supportive and encouraging, she really wants to share her knowledge with you and help you become healthier, not just while you’re on the plan but for the rest of your life after as well. I have a totally different way of thinking about food and exercise, and now my confidence is at an all time high, I couldn’t have got to this place without her

What I love about training with Ayesha is when there is a barrier to stop me hitting my goals for the day, I can go to her and she comes up with creative ways to stay on track so I still hit my targets for the day.

Ayesha Inspires me and motivates me everyday! I couldn’t recommend her enough

Daisy Stretton


I chose Ayesha because her health and well-being journey resonated with me. I, like Ayesha, also wanted to increase the strength in my body by building muscle in isolated places and improve mobility. It wasn’t about losing weight for me. She was easily able to accommodate any physical nuances I may have had.

I saw an improvement in myself straight away. There’s not messing with Ayesha, she has one eye on you, checking you’re safely taking part and another on the time and schedule to ensure you get the most out of your time with her. The fact that she’s GREAT value for money and has a humble and clear intention to help you as a client is a value added bonus. A hidden gem that I was happy to discover, thank you.

Ahfia Ullah


I have just completed my 6 week fat loss program with amazing results! I have surprised myself. Throughout this journey Ayesha has been there every step of the way guiding me on what foods to eat, how to increase my daily activity. She has been exceptionally inspirational!

I decided to take part in the fat loss program because for many years now I have not been happy with my body image. After 3 children, breastfeeding and diastasis recti in my last pregnancy nearly 3 years ago I was at a dead end. I am generally an active person with a lean body (size 10) but more and more I was feeling unhappy with my jeans getting tighter and my tops feeling uncomfortable. I tried a variety of different routines at home, swimming 3-4 times a week, INSANITY workouts and yoga to help build up my core. I started all with vigour and enthusiasm but after a few weeks my will power fizzled out and I was back to square one. At 36 years old with lockdown being the new norm and home schooling 3 kids I was feeling lost, I decided to take the plunge and got on-board with Ayesha.

I started my first week with enthusiasm and vigour, using a stop watch to challenge myself to be better at the next workout. I wrote up my workouts in big sheets and stuck them on the dining room wall to keep me motivated and focussed throughout the day. I bought the Mi band and religiously completed my daily step target. There were days when I felt it hard to motivate myself to do the workout but Ayesha kept a close eye, the daily reminders and updates kept me steadfast and on track.

After the first 2 weeks I started to see improvements, the way my clothes fit, my pictures are testimony of this and this motivated me further. My diastasis recti also improved massively! I started with a generous 2 finger gap, however with regular core training as part of my workout and the stomach vacuum I am now close to full recovery with hardly a 1 finger gap.

Now at the end of my journey I feel stronger, I am eating healthier, my family is eating healthier and most importantly I feel happy with my body image. Although I have not lost any weight in the whole process my body has toned up. I was able to fit into my wedding dress from 10 years ago! I am a comfortable size 8-10! The progress I could not make in 3 years I made in 8 short weeks with Ayesha’s guidance.
