I help women feel fitter, stronger and happier in their bodies.

Wanting to lose weight, or get fit?

Stuck with the same "weight loss" numbers on the scales?
Endless cardio trap with minimal results?
In a cycle of weight loss and eventual regain?


 Moving to resistance training will help increase BMR & lean muscle mass.


The ladies I work with feel stronger, fitter & empowered.

You can't pour from an empty cup. A strong, healthy and happy woman can also then serve the world in the ways she wants to.

 “When women take care of their health, they become their own best friend”

- Maya Angelou

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This body is the only one you get…

Our health is everything, when we don't have that, life becomes very difficult.

Let me help you learn how to take care of it with a sustainable exercise plan, seeing food as nutrition and looking at the long-game.

Are you ready to make the change to become a healthier, happier, stronger, fitter & a more confident you?


My clients learn and develop a new skill-set of exercises that combine functional fitness, bodybuilding and strength.

  • They discover a plan that is sustainable long term and they leave me with a more in depth understanding of exercise and the benefits it provides.

  • Are educated (if needed,) on all the genetic, health and lifestyle factors that affect our shape and size.

  • Move away from being critical of self and becoming accepting and loving of the only body we get.

  • Establish habits for lifelong change.

They feel happier in how their bodies feel and look and are proud of the work they've put in, of their determination and effort demonstrated while working towards their goals.


“I’m about 6 weeks into my plan with Ayesha and I’m already a completely different person to who I was at the start!”

- Daisy


Training options

Let’s chat if you want help deciding which option would work best for you.

Hello, I’m Ayesha

A 39 year old mum of 2, who has seen first-hand the profound effect exercise and nutrition can have on a person's health.

My 5 plus years of bad health felt like 5 lifetimes. Wanting to get my rheumatoid arthritis under control, I ended up also building a sustainable physique that is visually appealing to me, as a by-product.

I have a decade of training experience, I live and practice what I preach .I’m REPS and EREPS certified:
- Level 2 Fitness Instructor
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Level 3 GP Referrals
- CPD Functional Training

As an eternal learner, I’m on course to complete my Level 4 Nutrition and Obesity qualification, to be followed by a cardiac rehab qualification because of my own health story and what that time meant for me.

I'm just a normal mum who wants to help you feel really great and strong & fit in your body.

I’m flexible - I know first hand that things come up with the children/ school/ home/ health and I always accommodate my clients whether that's moving sessions around, or children joining their mummy mid-way through the Zoom!

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I know what it's like to be a mum and have so many plates to juggle. I know the struggle of trying to find time to fit everything in, but if we don't take care of our own health first it will catch up with us and we won't be able help our children & loved ones like we want to.